Living To Serve Him

Senior Pastor
Dr. Greg Babish and his wife, Pat







Pastor Greg Babish an his wife Pat have pastored in the San Francisco Bay area and Silicon Valley for over 35 years. Their four sons with their families are all involved in ministry at Celebration.

Pastoral / Administrative Team

Pastor’s Assistant

Lupe Babish

Youth Shepherds 

Javier Vizcarra, Rachael Adams

Childrens’ Shepherds

Children’s Ministry Team

Womens Ministry

Pat Babish

Mens Ministry

Pastor Babish

Worship Ministry

Multi-Media Ministry

 Shawn Babish, Coordinator

Steve Ramsey, John Mesa

Pat Babish, Coordinator
Gloria Ramsey

Couples Ministry
Pastor and Pat Babish

Are you looking to serve? Contact Us and See How. 

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