Project Description
Notes 7-7-19C
How to Live in Victory- On your way to Breakthrough
- Acts 2:17-21
- 2 Sam. 5:19-20
- Eph 1:18
‘In the last days,’ God says, ‘I will pour out my Spirit upon all people.(the anointing) In those days I will pour out my Spirit on those who are serving me
David said, “I watched the LORD break through like a mighty flood.” So he named the place “The Lord of the Breakthrough
I pray also that you will have greater understanding in your heart so you will know the hope to which he has called us and that you will know how rich and glorious are the blessings God has promised his holy people.
Throughout this year remember…
“On earth as it is in heaven”
We first breakthrough in the spiritual real
Then we see it in the physical realm
We’ve looked at:
- Possessing a Breakthrough Mind-set
- The Power to Believe
- From Believing to Receiving
- Posturing for Breakthrough
- In-Between Time
- Praise Releases Breakthrough
- Easter Your Guarantee
- Of Breakthrough
- Communion- Your Door to
- Breakthrough
- Breakthrough Through “Faithing”
- Breakthrough in Prayer
- Steps to Breakthrough
We’re building on the
The Release of the Holy Spirit
The purpose for the Church “today”
The Church (you) are the means through which the Lord can change things
In your life and others
The key to Victory (Breakthrough) for the Christian is
“Be filled with the Spirit”
The essential to all the Lord has in every area of our lives
Ephesians 5:18 We looked at the need to be continually filed with the Spirit
We continue
The results of Breakthrough is
- Victory
- &
- Freedom
We started with
- Success
- Fulfillment
- Overcoming
- Exploits
- Favor
Romans 8:37 In all things in life, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loved us .
We saw
The Holy Spirit brings…
the Spirit Filled- Breakthrough Life
We began
the Spirit Filled- Breakthrough Life
- The Lord wants his people living in Victory
- Not manipulated by the circumstances of life
- Not being controlled by fear or worry about the future
- But by being able to rest in HIM
Last time we looked at
Steps to Victory
- Stand on and Use God’s Word
Ps 119:147 I have put my hope in your word .
Ps 119:105 Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path.
Acts 4:31
And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God boldly.
Personal Confessions on site
- Submit to the Lord’s “Lordship”
Savior only vs. Lord always
Prov 3:6 in all your ways acknowledge the Lord, and he will make your paths straight.
Ps 56:4
I will trust in you In God, whose word I praise, in God I trust; I will not be afraid.
Ps 9:10 Those who know your name will trust in you ,
for you, Lord, have never forsaken those who seek you
Ps 143:8 for I have put my trust in you .
Show me the way I should go,
- Make Holy Spirit led choices
So many hinder Breakthrough by making wrong choices
Not seeking the Lord
Word of Knowledge/Wisdom
James 1:5 If any of you lacks wisdom , he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him.
- Deal with the enemy
It’s “all about the Spiritual”
Gift of Discerning of Spirit
1 Peter 5:8-9 Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith
James 4:7 Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.
2 Cor 2:11 We are to know very well what Satan’s plans are.
- TRUST God in your challenges
Not just yielding but laying hold
Reckless abandonment
Prov 3:5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding
Ps 143:8 for I have put my trust in you . Show me the way I should go,
How to Live in Victory ( on your way to Breakthrough)
- Live daily with confidence
We live by faith IN faith
“The knowing what we have asked will be received”
Phil 1:6 being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion
Heb 4:16 Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.
Heb 13:6 So we say with confidence, “The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?”
- Minister to others
Give and you will receive
Move in the “Gift’s of the Holy Spirit 1Cor. 12:7-10
The Word of Knowledge / The Word of Wisdom / The Gift of Prophecy
The Gift of Faith / The Gift of Healings / The Working of Miracles The Discerning of spirits /
The Gift of Tongues / The Interpretation of Tongues
Dan 11:32-33 the people that know their God shall be strong, and do exploits. And they that understand people shall teach many
1 Tim 4:6 If you point these things out , you will be a good minister of Christ Jesus, brought up in the truths of the faith and of the good teaching that you have followed.
1 Peter 4:10 God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another.
- See beyond the challenges
God revealing Himself/ Who you are
Stepping stones not stumbling blocks
Gal 6:9 So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up.
Rom 8:37-38 in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.
- Live in victory
We live from victory not for victory
Rom 8:37 in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us
John 16:33 I sharing these things with you , so that in me you can have peace. There are going to be challenges in this world that you face But take heart! I’ve gained VICTORY for you and you can LIVE in that victory.”
1 Cor 15:57 But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ
How to Live in Victory ( on your way to Breakthrough)
- Make correct decisions
- Deal with the attacks of the enemy
- Stand on and use God’s Word
- Trust God in the challenges of life
- Submit to the Lord’s “Lordship”
- Live daily with confidence
- Minister to others
- See beyond the challenges
- Live in victory